In 1975, I was born in Trail BC. I attended public and high school in Orillia ON, and graduated from the University of Waterloo, in Geological Engineering.
Some of my best times have been spent in the bush: canoeing, snowshoeing, hunting, and running.
I went on my first canoe trip when I was 12. I spent the next three summers in the voyageur program at Camp Ecole Keno in Quebec. I have been guiding my own canoe and snowshoe trips ever since.
The other passion in my life is trail-running. Wilderness parks are the usual venue, though I’ve shown up at the odd ultra-marathon. While 50 miles is my preferred distance, I’ve buckled at the Leadville and Bighorn 100 milers.
Terry Fox inspired our trip, and maybe someday we’ll run across Canada on trails. This time we’re using a canoe.
My roles on the trip are: sternsman, cook, and canoe carrier.