BOAT: Couple are canoeing all the way from Victoria to Newfoundland
By Robert Barron
Nanaimo Daily News
A husband and wife team in the first legs of a planned four-year canoe trip across Canada kicked up their heels for a brief rest in Lantzville Wednesday.
Newlyweds Pam and Geoff MacDonald began their odyssey two weeks ago in Victoria and hope to continue to travel north from Pam’s father’s Lantzville home Thursday morning, weather permitting.
“The wind has played a major factor in the trip so far, but we didn’t know what to expect when we started and we realize we have to be open to what nature gives us to work with this during the trip,” Pam said.
The pair, both 31, intend to paddle and portage across water and land with their canoe and dog, an Alaskan malamute named Taq, from Victoria to St. John’s NF. Pam said the next part of the trip will take them through Comox and onto Bella Coola before an approximately 50 kilometre portage over the coastal mountains.
“We estimate it could take us up to four years to reach St. John’s and, while we haven’t done anything like this before, we’re really looking forward to the adventure,” she said. “We both love the outdoors, canoeing and Canada so this is a way to combine all three. We aren’t doing it for any cause and we have no sponsors. We just wanted a great adventure.” Pam said the two, who have been friends for 10 years before marrying last June, have been working in Calgary for the last two and a half years to raise money for the trip.
The couple’s progress can be followed at https://www.canoeacrosscanada.ca
RBarron@nanaimodailynews.com 250-729-4234 April 4/07