The launch day was too windy to do any travelling, but it was a good chance to get out in the protective water of Oak Bay.
We were thrilled to enjoy some local media coverage:
Paul Vasey from CBC interviewed us for his “On the Island” program on March 22, 2007.
Alan Walton from CHEK TV shot some footage of us preparing the canoe for a short paddle in the protected bay.
- Interview with Times Colonist
March 22, 2007: First official day of paddling on the trip
Diminished winds on Thursday made it possible to finally push off and put our first 15 kilometers of paddling behind us.
Anyone willing to be a re-supply location?
Depending on our progress, we’ll need to re-supply every few weeks. That involves buying fresh food, and picking up maps and supplements. Unfortunately, we don’t know people at each place we must stop. From time to time, we’ll need help from volunteers. This would consist of holding a re-supply package that comes in the mail until we pass through. Please keep an eye on our newsletter for upcoming places where we will need this type of help.
A very big thank you to Regenesis:
We would like to extend a very big thank you to the wonderful people at Regenesis Holistic Inc. – Glenn and Mary Fidler and their staff, Alisha (for her hours on the computer) and Thu. They have spent countless hours building this website and newsletter – all for free! There is no way we could have done it without their great suggestions and support. If you are going to buy from a health food store – please support the good folks at Regenesis: www.regenesis.ca